Tuesday, May 21, 2013

almost to 500 hours!

Almost to 500 hours of teaching! 6 hours and 45 minutes to go! wooohoooo! I'll get there this month for sure! THis is a huge accomplishment! Stoked! Whatever shall I do to celebrate!? More yoga!!! lol

Namaste ya'll ~

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Teaching Hours

Whoa! I taught 54 hours in the month of April! My highest number of teaching hours ever! whoooohooooooo almost 1/2 way there to 1,000 hours! Getting there class by class, month by month!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

30 Day Yoga Challenge

For the month of May 2013 I am challenging not only myself, but others around me to participate in 31 days of Yoga! EEK! :) I'm pretty excited about this! I'm pretty sure I've never done yoga everyday for 31 days straight..shocking I know lol. I thought this would be a kick ass way to begin the summer, to cleanse, and to help clear the mind even more. I saw a quote today probably on fb something about a one hour workout is 4% of your day...hmmmm. So lets do this! YOu can practice anywhere! that's the beauty of it!! In a studio, at the beach, in your room, office, on the water...anywhere! Wherever the wind takes you. Who's with me?! I'm going to make a fb event page too...that seems fun..we can keep track, encourage each other, and kick butt! :)


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Healing thoughts to Boston.
After hearing people say they have lost their faith in humanity it starts to get really depressing...Even during this horrific tragedy we must see some light on the situation. Humanity is not dead people...look at all those people at the race yesterday who ran towards chaos to help strangers. The first responders who ran towards the blast to help, the guy who finished the race and kept running so he could run to the hospital and donate blood (what?!?!?!), people helping people. Shedding some light on this horrible event in Boston..don't give up hope....there are still good people out there..

lighting candles tonight at the studio for Boston.


Friday, April 5, 2013

APril 5th Hot Yoga Sequence

We are surrendering our egos
Let your Breath excite your soul!
Balance, order, rhythm, and harmony ~

5 min of breath(comfortable seat), OM, neck rolls. Seated forward fold with hands on block out in front
Laughing ???
Navasana with Block
 Navasana and Eagle Abs breaths –
Cat/Cow – do hips too – out to side
Surya Namaskar warm ups 3x slow breath belly in ~

3 legged Dog – Hip Rotations Bring right knee to nose, all the way up to lunge prepare for Virabhadrasana 1.

Virabhadrasana 1
War 2, Utthita Parsvakonasana
War 2, 3, Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana
War 3, War 1 lend forward
Flow into other side

Surya Namaskar into
Virabhadrasana 1, 2, Baddha Utthita Parsvakonasana BIND
bird of paradise Svarga Dvidasana. –
Repeat on other side

Surya Namaskar B
3 Legged Dog into Pigeon – Ekapada Rajakapotasana
Pigeon twist & reaching under the bed
·        Pigeon with leg up into mermaid..
·        Pigeon on wall

Sun Sals with Lunge (opening hips) N2 Lizard Lunge Flow N2 Eka Pada Koundiyanasana
Vrksasana, Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (extended hand to big toe), Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, – repeat on other side from Tadasana.
Standing Squat with Twist
Standing Figure 4  - with Twist too
Kneeling Tree pose

King Dancer Natarajasana

King Dancer Pose is an absolutely gorgeous standing backbend with a very apropos name, as it shows off your dancing skills (or lack thereof). This posture requires balance and a really good attitude. You will wobble, but for the sake of today, we’ll just call dancing. The key is not to panic when you start to move, because it is a dance, so dance with the movement. Keep the breath steady and enjoy the fluctuations that arise, because that’s what it’s about: finding balance within chaos.
Enjoy this dance

keeping the heart lifted, outer arms in and gaze soft. careful attention not to open the hips. The pelvis remains square, right knee hugs to the midline. Draw the elbows in tight around the head.
Sirsansana Variations…play time J
½ lord of the fish===fun twist up and over
-      Paschimottanasana – pull arms…push back, roll onto back..

- Thai Shoulder work and walking up the back with feet :)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
Halasana/plow pose
Viparita Karani
Partner UP - Viparita Karani Baddha Konasana